About Me

I am an adventurous person. I always aim to be the best and take on challenges head on. I am devoted to soccer and am eager when it comes to improving. I do not expect anything from the future but hope for the best to happen. My favorite video game is Fifa. I usually try to be helpful in most situations. I am inspired by people like my mother and soccer players that worked hard to get to where they are. I make a lot of jokes and I am often keen on learning new things. When I do not want to do something I get lazy. I am a modest person and do not get nervous often except during soccer games. I find believe that Messi is an outstanding soccer player. I am picky when it comes to organisation because I like having things the way I want them. Overall, I am not a quiet person and am very realistic. I am very strong-minded and thoughtful depending on the situation. As I said, I am uncertain about what I want my life to be like in the future. When it comes to trust, I am vigilant and watch out for people not to trust. I am willing to do this student blogging challenge and ope that it will be fun. Now that this is coming to an end, I cannot find any word for the letter XY, or the letter Z, so goodbye!



  1. Miss W. · October 14, 2015 at 12:59 pm ·

    G’day Tidiane,
    I am amazed at how creative students have been doing an A-Z paragraph about themselves. What is it about your mother that inspires you?

    • tidianeisd19 · October 16, 2015 at 8:41 am ·

      Dear Ms. W,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. About my mother, no matter what happens she never gives up and that inspires me to do my best and to make her proud. When things get bad, she doesn’t show it if she feels negative and so always seems to go through it. This is why I look up to her.