Translate Widget

I recently added a Google Translate widget to my blog. It is located on the right when you click on the sidebar. I added this because I know that in the Student Blogging Challenge there are many students from all around the world. Some of…

What Seemed like a Dream, Now Reality

Before the last school year ended, I was talking to my sister about going to IMG Academy. We thought that we could go for our favourite sports: soccer for me and basket-ball for her. When I told my mother, we were at my aunt’s house…

8th Grade Standards

Hey 7th Graders. Next year, many different things will change from your present day 7th Grade classroom. The level will increase slightly and teachers will expect you to understand concepts at a faster rate. The teachers will not force it upon you to take notes…

What is A Blog?

I think that a blog is a personal website where you share your thought and opinions about subjects that aren’t always specific. It is a way to express ideas in a way to share them with people that you feel comfortable with or just anyone….